An Incredible Improvement In Vitiligo Lesions On Lips Achieved With Homeopathy

    A 10 years old boy, Mr. Aditya A (PIN 25622) visited the Pune branch of Life Force Homeopathy on 7th May 2015 for getting treated with white spots on his right and left angle of the lip and the inner aspect of lips which were present for 1 year. On Wood's Lamp examination, new lesions were noticed being present on the tip of the nose. He had taken Homeopathic treatment for one year but was not experiencing any improvement. He has not taken any steroids and was not having any other complaints. There was not any genetic link present.

    He was a vegetarian and used to crave spicy food. He had an aversion to sweets and milk. He had perspiration on his forehead.

    He was hyperactive at home, but he was shy in new places or with strangers. He was mischievous and used to play pranks on family members. He was Stubborn++ and used to weep if he was not given what he wants.

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    After a detailed case analysis, Dr. Shah prescribed research-based medicine for vitiligo. He was advised to diet and regimen too. He was told to avoid sour foods.

    When he gave a follow-up on 29th June 2015, he had observed a 10% improvement in his condition. There was no new spot developed.

    On 29th August 2015, the lesion on the tip of the nose was not visible naked eye but was seen under Wood's Lamp. A tuft of brown hair (photos sent on 11 Aug): The discoloration is persistent of the hair from the root itself even as the hair is growing. However, the mother said that her newer hair was less brown.

    On 22nd November 2015, new spots were seen under Wood's Lamp on the right thigh (posteriorly, below right buttock). They were not seen with the naked eye.

    On 19th December 2015, 100% improvement was observed in the new spots seen under Wood's Lamp on the right thigh. And, he was on regular treatment.

    On 5th May 2016, the lesion over the inner aspect of the lip and right and left angle of the lip showed 75% improvement.

    The patient is happy and satisfied with the treatment received at Life Force and is continuing it for further recovery.


    This case shows how homeopathy helps towards better management of lesions present on the lips which are very challenging since they were located on mucocutaneous junctions.

    - Written by Dr. Sneha, Associate doctor to Dr. Rajesh Shah

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    Case Studies

    A 29-year-old male patient, Mr. S.Z. (PIN: 19775) visited Life Force and started homeopathic treatment for the complaint of vitiligo in August 2012.


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