A Patient With Aplastic Anemia Got An Outstanding Improvement With Homeopathy At Life Force

    41 years old Mr. A. K. (PIN 20549) opted for the online treatment at Life Force Homeopathy and registered from Guwahati on 21st January 2013.

    His case details were collected through our Patient Support System where he filled in a detailed Questionnaire and attached his Investigation reports.

    He was diagnosed with Aplastic Anemia for 10 months. He had bleeding gums and had undergone seven times Blood transfusion in 10 months. He was not on any conventional medication. His Hb was 4.64 gm% on 19/06/2012.
    Emotionally, he described anger as his prominent emotion. And, occasionally, he used to suppress his anger. He used to take Stress a lot as he was the only earning member of his family. 

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    Dr. Shah studied the case details and prescribed the constitutional medicines along with our research-based medicine patented medicine. The patient was advised to be in touch with his local Physician for repeated blood tests and for blood transfusion.

    After 2 months of the treatment, when he gave a follow-up on 28th March 2013, his blood transfusion was reduced to once a month, previously he had to go for it once in 15 days. His appetite was normal. His weakness and his complaints of the bleeding gums were also reduced.

    After 4 months of the treatment, when he gave a follow-up on 29th May 2013, his blood transfusion frequency was reduced to once every two months.

    After 11 months of the treatment, when he gave a follow-up on 18th December 2013, his blood transfusion was reduced to once in every four months.

    After 21 months of the treatment, when he gave a follow-up 27th November 2014, his symptoms were reduced significantly and had not taken blood transfusion since the last 8 months.

    His Hb was 10.1 on 30th December 2016. There was no bleeding from the gums, and he underwent no blood transfusion.

    On 11th August 2017, he had weakness ++, but no bleeding gums and no blood transfusion, as he had taken a gap in the treatment for 3 months.

    On 17th November 2017, his relief from weakness improved significantly without undergoing any blood transfusion. He was advised to continue the medicine for a few more months.


    This shows how homeopathy helps towards the better management of difficult diseases like Aplastic Anemia.

    (Written by Dr. Sneha, Associate doctor to Dr. Rajesh Shah)

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    41 years old Mr. A. K. (PIN 20549) opted for the online treatment at Life Force Homeopathy and registered from Guwahati on 21st January 2013.

    His case details were collected through our Patient Support System where he filled in a detailed Questionnaire and attached his Investigation rep.....Read more

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