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Case Studies

Mr. P.B.H. (PIN: 33469) came to Life Force Homeopathy for the treatment of his Lichen Planus. She had black, papular flat-topped lesions in crops along with dryness and itching. The disease had developed in a short time of 4 months & was spreading rapidly all over his body making him ver.....Read more

Mr P.S, 12517 visited the clinic on 12 August 2009 for his complaints of psoriasis since last 2-3 months.

The patches were on the elbows, around the neck area, and mainly on the palms and soles. Although his palmo-plantar psoriasis was of recent origin but his cracks were very severe an.....Read more

A 28-year-old patient, Mr. S.K. (PIN: 39840) came with complaints of psoriasis to the Santacruz branch of Life Force in Mumbai on 9th April 2019.

He was looking for treatment for psoriasis to work on its root cause and heal the skin condition completely to eliminate it from h.....Read more

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Cortisone is not the best treatment for Lichen planus explained by Dr Rajesh Shah, MD

What is Role of Homeopathy in Cancer Treatment?

Homeopathy is the youngest medical science, needs support, says Dr Rajesh Shah, MD

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