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Case Studies

67 years old Mr. S. L. P. (Patient Identification Number - 15160) visited Life Force on 4th December 2010. He was detected with Myasthenia Gravis in 2009. He had been taking conventional medicines for the same and was feeling better. He had searched on the internet about homeopathic treatment for.....Read more

10-years-old girl, Miss T.S.J. (Pin no-30175) came to Life Force for the treatment of Molluscum Contagiosa on 27th October 2016. She had developed Molluscum on her face and the right buttock since 3 months. She was brought to the center by her parents.

Besides Molluscum, she .....Read more

Miss G. K (Patient Identification Number 15035) visited our clinic on 29th October 2010 for the treatment of Warts. She was suffering with this complaint since three years. She had multiple Warts on hands, right forearm, lower lip, above right eye and left sole. She went for cauterization twice b.....Read more

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Urticaria and drug addiction with anti-histamines, warned by Dr Rajesh Shah, MD

Dr Rajesh Shah, MD: Street shows against homeopathy, what do they mean?


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