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Case Studies

Twenty-one years old female, Ms S.K. (Patient reference number 11240) visited Life Force for the treatment of Crohn’s Disease on 4th October, 2008. She was suffering from last two years. She presented with severe pain in abdomen with 3-4 stools per day. She used to pass blood in stools occasional.....Read more

Mr. V.D.A. (Patient Identification Number 17247) visited our clinic on 14th October 2011. He had been suffering from severe oral Lichen Planus and mild skin lesions on the feet, hands and genitals.

He had significant lesions on the tongue and the inner mucosa of the cheek. It had starte.....Read more

A 39 years old teacher started her treatment for Lichen planus from our clinic on 17th December, 2005.

Ms. K. L. (PIN NO - 8118) had been suffering from oral and skin lichen planus since 2 years. There were papular, violaceous eruptions scattered all over the body. There were few hyper .....Read more

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Lichen Planus and its homeopathic treatment explained by Dr Rajesh Shah, MD

Dr Rajesh Shah, MD: Homeopathy cannot be taught over week end schools!

Symptoms of Lichen Planus explained by Dr Rajesh Shah, MD

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