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Case Studies

33 years aged, housewife Mrs. R. I. R. (Patient Identification Number - 8247) visited Lifeforce on 11th February, 2006. She had been diagnosed with Hepatitis C in February 2005. She had a history of blood transfusion 6 years back. She had taken interferon injections for 6 months which were stoppe.....Read more

A 17 years, old girl Miss T. M. A. (Patient ref. no: S2005) was brought to the clinic by her parents for complaints of Hypothyroidism since 2 years. She had been detected as having Hypothyroidism when she was 15 years old and since then she had been put on T. Eltroxin 100 mg daily.

She .....Read more

Complaints of a chalazion since 6 months. It was a hard swelling of about 4mm x 4mm and caused him a sensation of heaviness of the affected eyelid.

A 41 years old patient, Mr. P. S. (Ref. no. 4451) rep.....Read more

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Dr Rajesh Shah, MD: Street shows against homeopathy, what do they mean?

Ulcerative Colitis

Homeopathy is the youngest medical science, needs support, says Dr Rajesh Shah, MD

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