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Case Studies

A 31-year-old man, Mr. R.P. (PIN: 34905) visited Life Force on 22nd December 2017 with the complaint of a single white or hypopigmented spot on his genital area (penis). This spot was noticed by him two months back and was diagnosed as Vitiligo by a dermatologist in November 2017. Since then, he .....Read more

A 17-year-old girl from West Bengal, Ms. A. S. (PIN: 37570) visited us and started treatment from Life Force Homeopathy for her complaint of Urticaria on 3rd August 2018.   
She was suffering from it for a few months. The patient was suffering from very severe itching and rashes .....Read more

A 39-years-old married male patient, Mr. P.J. (PIN 34706) visited at Life Force center on 9th December 2017 with the symptoms of recurrent abdominal pain and acidity. He would experience much heaviness and bloating of the abdomen and flatulence since one year. He suffered from the complaint .....Read more

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Dr Rajesh Shah, MD: Homeopathy cannot be taught over week end schools!

What to Apply on Skin for Psoriasis, Eczema & Lichen Planus

A book on Vitiligo by Dr Rajesh Shah who has treated 6000+ cases of vitiligo

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