80% Recovery From Vitiligo Spots Found With Online Homeopathic Treatment At Life Force


    Mr. S.R. (PIN: 38345) consulted Life Force homeopathy on 23rd October 2018 over the call from Vadodara, Gujarat. The patient presented with complaints of Vitiligo which were affecting him from 1 year. His affected areas included both sides of his neck and right leg. His vitiligo spots were hypopigmented and scattered. Also, the spreading of the condition was present which led to new white spots over the affected areas.


    The treatment’s scope and duration of the treatment were explained to the patient on call by an Associate doctor to Dr. Rajesh Shah. The photos of his affected skin area were sent by the patient for a better evaluation of the condition. The nature of his disease along with the scope of the treatment was completely explained over the call to the patient.


    The patient was also applying ointments on affected areas for the last 1 year with no relief. The patient was advised to stop the ointments as it was only suppressing the condition.


    His detailed case history and information were taken along with the photos of his disease-affected skin. As per the case details, investigations were suggested to the patient. The patient was also given dietary advice about the same.


    The entire case history along with the photos of his disease-affected skin was forwarded to Dr. Shah for evaluation. The entire case was analyzed and medications were prescribed by Dr. Shah. The patient received the medicines via courier, and he started his treatment on 23rd October 2018.



    In February 2019, the spread of his disease was under control. The intensity of the spread had reduced than before.


    In March 2019, his overall condition was improving. Repigmentation (i.e. skin color returning to normal from white) was observed in the affected skin areas. The white spots over the neck were responding well.


    In May 2019, the patient’s overall condition was around 70% better. All his white spots were responding very well. Both the sides of his neck and the skin color had almost returned to normal. There was a mild improvement in the recovery from the spot on the right leg. No new spots had developed nor the spread of the condition had occurred in the last 4-5 months.


    In September 2019, the spots on his neck showed an improvement in re-pigmentation of around 80%-90%. The recovery from the spot over his right leg was also improving further.


    The patient is very happy with the treatment and feels he made the right choice by starting homeopathy from Life Force.


    This case highlights that:

    • Early cases of vitiligo show remarkable results with Homeopathy.
    • Re-pigmentation of the skin in Vitiligo is possible with Homeopathy.
    • Controlling the spread of vitiligo and recovery from this skin condition both are possible with homeopathic treatment.


    • Written by Dr. Neethu Krishnan, Associate doctor to Dr. Rajesh Shah.
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