58 years old gentleman, experienced significant improvement in her Lichen Planus Pigmentosa (LPP)
Mr. M.S.T. (Patient Identification Number 14982), 58 years old gentleman, experienced significant improvement with Dr. Shah’s homeopathic treatment for Lichen Planus Pigmentosa (LPP).

He was suffering from LPP since 2008. The hyper pigmented spots were gradually spreading. They were mostly located on the neck, chin, cheeks, scalp, and legs. There would be itching, followed by reddish rashes which would gradually turn into dark, blackish hyper pigmented patches. The affected skin was dry and rough. Some mild lesions were present in the mouth. He had been applying steroid creams since the beginning, but was not relieved.
There were no associated complaints.
His appetite was average with liking for sweets and salty things. He disliked spicy food. His thirst was increased. He could very well tolerate both heat and cold weather. His bowels were unsatisfactory. His sleep was disturbed with dreams of routine work.
He was a senior engineering consultant. He was heading the technology front in his company. He was satisfied and content with the job. His wife was a home maker. His son had done engineering and his daughter was completing medical studies.

He was fastidious and very particular about everything. He would get easily tensed about small things. He said, “In one word, you can describe me as a no-nonsense perfectionist”. He was very sincere and hard working. Dr Shah examined him and prescribed Lycopodium Clavatum 30c.
He followed up after four months of treatment on 18 February 2011, he was better by 15%. The old spots were slightly better but new spots too had appeared. The itching had reduced slightly. His case was reviewed and medicines upgraded by Dr. Shah.
After another 4 months of treatment on 20 June 2011, there was almost 25 – 30% improvement. There were no new spots. The old spots were improving significantly. His case was reviewed and Lycopodium Clavatum 200c was given with upgraded research based molecules. The recovery was slow. He kept patience. At each follow up, his photos were recorded.
After 1 year’s treatment on 18 October 2011, he reported of 50% improvement. The new spots had stopped appearing and the old spots were gradually lightening. The itching was almost completely better. He was prescribed Lycopodium Clavatum 1m single dose and research based medicines.
He reported again on 1st March 2012 with further improvement. He experienced significant improvement overall. His fresh photos were compared with the first photos.
There was very good improvement in the spots on the neck and chin and cheeks and legs. When he saw the photos, he was overjoyed.
Even he had forgotten how disfigured the LPP had made him. The comparison of the photos made the results very evident. The skin had become smoother. Dr Shah had very systematically upgraded the doses. He had kept the faith in the remedy selected and had allowed nature to heal. LPP requires lots of patience. In conventional medicine, there are no specific remedies. Homeopathic remedies have the potential to reduce the hyper-pigmentation of the skin and stop further spread in this disease.
Uploaded on 7th March 2012 by Dr MNP