5-Year-Old Kid Treated Successfully For Coeliac Disease With Homeopathy At Life Force

    A 5-year-old girl, Ms. P.D. (PIN: 38420) visited Life Force Homeopathy Clinic with her parents on 30th October 2018 for the complaints of her Coeliac Disease.

    The patient had been suffering from the Coeliac disease since 1 year. She had experienced 2 severe episodes in the last year. Also, the patient complained of severe abdominal pain and constipation. She was also suffering from nausea and vomiting during the episode.

    The patient's Tissue Transglutaminase IgA levels were High (117.3 U/mL). Also, the biopsy of duodenum showed an occasional focus of partial villous atrophy.

    Also, the patient was underweight. Her weight was 12.7 Kgs, which was 6 kgs lower than her expected weight for her age.

    The patient liked eating spicy food and fruits. She disliked vegetables and was a fussy eater.

    The patient did not have any other complaints.

    She was irritable by nature.

    After studying her case history in detail, Dr. Rajesh Shah prescribed her Calcarea phosphorica and other research-based medicines for 2 months.

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    After 2 months on 21st December 2018, the parents of the patient reported that no episode of the Coeliac disease affected the patient since the start of the homeopathic treatment. The last episode she had was in August 2018. The patient was also following a gluten-free diet. She was again prescribed homeopathic medicines for 2 months.


    The patient did not experience any complaints of abdominal pain or nausea and vomiting. Her bowels were also regular.


    In the last follow-up given on 11th July 2019, the patient was more than 90% improved. She did not complain of any acute episode of pain or vomiting. Her weight had gradually increased from 12.7 Kgs to 15 Kgs.


    The parents were very happy with the treatment their kid received at Life Force.

    They continued her treatment to avoid the occurrence of any further episodes.


    This case illustrates that homeopathic medicines act wonderfully in treating children suffering from Coeliac disease when they are started at the initial stage of the disease.


    • Written by Dr. Swapnaja Nagle, Associate doctor to Dr. Rajesh Shah
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    A 5-year-old girl, Ms. P.D. (PIN: 38420) visited Life Force Homeopathy Clinic with her parents on 30th October 2018 for the complaints of her Coeliac Disease.

    The patient had been suffering from the Coeliac disease since 1 year. She had experienced 2 severe episodes in the la.....Read more

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