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Case Studies

A 17 years, old girl Miss T. M. A. (Patient ref. no: S2005) was brought to the clinic by her parents for complaints of Hypothyroidism since 2 years. She had been detected as having Hypothyroidism when she was 15 years old and since then she had been put on T. Eltroxin 100 mg daily.

She .....Read more

A 46-years-old lady patient (PIN- 29733) from Gorakhpur reported at Life Force on September 10, 2016, for treating her Oral Lichen Planus complaints that she was suffering since June 2015. The patient was complaining soreness in left buccal cavity, blisters in mouth on and off, and whitish and bl.....Read more

A 51-years old lady, Mrs S.L. (Pin no- 28121) visited our Pune’s Life Force centre on 1st March 2016 with the complaint of psoriatic arthritis and psoriasis.

The patient was suffering from psoriatic arthritis since three years. Her both hands’ joints, knee joint, .....Read more

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Empathy and understanding are the keys to embracing uniqueness.

Can onion, coffee, garlic, mint be taken if you are on homeopathic treatment?

Ankylosing Spondylitis

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