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Case Studies

A seventeen year old Miss R.S (Patient Ref No: L-6157) had presented with complaints of reddish eruptions with itching, dryness, cracks and scaling of the lesions since 8 years. It was diagnosed as eczema. Her eruptions would particularly appear between September to December. Her eczema used to g.....Read more

A 35-years-old middle-aged woman, Ms. R.M. (PIN 29361) visited Life Force, Chembur branch on 27th July 2016

She was diagnosed with lichen planus since one year. She had developed dark brownish hyperpigmented, raised eruptions on her lower and upper extremities, back, neck, and abdomen. .....Read more

A 67-years-old lady Mrs. N.M. (PIN 21491) visited at Life Force on 12th August 2013 with a complaint of vitiligo. From the last 10 months, the patient was suffering from vitiligo. Her disease had progressed gradually. At the time of consultation, her lower extremities and knees were affected by t.....Read more

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Role of Homeopathy in Diabetes (Type 1 and 2) explained by Dr Rajesh Shah, MD

Alopecia Areata

Role of Homeopathy in Underactive Thyroid Treatment Explained by Dr Shah
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