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Case Studies

Acute case of Fissure-in-ano completely cured by Homeopathy at Life Force

Mrs. P.J. aged 26 years (Patient Identification Number: 16980) visited Life Force clinic on 14/09/2011 for the treatment of Fissure in ano.

She was suffering from Fissure-in-ano since 1.5 months. She had.....Read more

A ten years old boy Master A.S. [PIN 16398] reported to the center for the treatment of Molluscum Contagious. He was suffering from multiple Molluscum’s on his face. He had a few large ones on the ear lobe, nostril, neck and shoulder. He had around fifty small ones scattered all over the fa.....Read more

A 32-year-old lady, Mrs. T.A.N. (PIN: 25545) visited Life Force on 30th April 2015 with the complaint of Meniere's disease, which she was suffering from 2 years, and it had increased in the duration and frequency of its episodes since 3 months.

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Role for Homeopathy for Anxiety Disorders Explained by Dr Rajesh Shah

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