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Case Studies

Miss. V.S.(11285) aged 23 had complaints of Polycystic Ovarian disease (PCOD). She had menses once in 4-5 months since menarche. Menses last for 3-4 days. Menses are profuse, blackish in color. She also experienced irritability when menses were due. She also experienced profound weakness.

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Mrs. A.V. 54 year old gentleman (Patient Referance Number 13577) visited Life Force with complaints of enlarged prostate. He suffered from severe burning pain during and after urination. There was increased frequency of urine, during acute attacks he would have to visit the toilet every five minu.....Read more

An Investment Research Analyst (PIN: 38875), who had been suffering from an IBS complaint for three years, consulted at the Life Force center in December 2018. The frequency of his episode of disease was once or twice a month. Whenever his symptoms appeared, it took a minimum of 7 to 12 days for .....Read more

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