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Case Studies

An 8-year-old boy from Bangalore, Mr. D.B. (PIN: 24832) started treatment online on 14th February 2015 at Life Force for his complaint of Nephrotic syndrome.

We treat patients from.....Read more

A 49 year old businessman Mr. S. P. (Patient identification number-18704) visited our borivali clinic on 28th March 2012. He was suffering from Irritable bowel syndrome for past 1 month. He had to pass stools 2-3 times daily and had heaviness of lower abdomen. He complained of frequent flatulence.....Read more

Master K.C. (PIN: 37582) came to Life Force Homeopathy on 4th August 2018 for treatment of corns, from which he was suffering from 5 years. During the time of case-taking, he had 5 corns on the right foot, 20 on left foot, 1 corn on the left thumb, and 1 corn on the right palm, and the.....Read more

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Role of Homeopathy in Recurrent Tonsillitis Treatment in Children

Lichen Planus and its homeopathic treatment explained by Dr Rajesh Shah, MD

Which Medicines to Avoid in Lichen Planus? Explains Dr Shah

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