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Case Studies

Mrs. D. A (Patient Identification Number 13290) visited our clinic for the treatment of Cervical Spondylitis and Migraine on 5th February 2010.

She was suffering from Cervical Spondylitis since the two years. She had severe pain which would radiate from the neck to the fingers of the le.....Read more

On 14th December 2012, Master S. S. visited Life Force along with his mother. He was 10 years old smart and intelligent boy. He was suffering from Lichen Planus since 6 months. In the initial stage, he was treated with local cortisone. It had taken 2 months for recovery with cortisone. At present.....Read more

Mrs. B.M.S (PIN 19783) was suffering from recurrent boils for the last 8 months. She used to get small boils on her back, abdomen, and thighs. It would start with a small, raised eruption, which was followed by pus formation. It would burst and leave behind scar marks after healing. She used to s.....Read more

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How to find a good homeopath for you, explained by Dr Rajesh Shah, MD, Life Force

Can homeopathy cure Cataract? No. Says, Dr Rajesh Shah, MD

Can homeopathic and conventional (allopathic) medicines be taken together? Explains Dr Rajesh Shah

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