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Case Studies

A 51-years-old lady, Mrs. S.L. (Pin no- 28121) visited our Pune Life Force center on 1st March 2016 with the complaint of psoriasis and psoriatic arthritis.

The patient was suffering from psoriasis since ten years. In 2005, her first psoriatic eruption appeared on her sole on.....Read more

Fifty-three years old, Mrs. M. H. T. (PIN 30598) on 11 December 2016 visited the Life Force Center for her Seronegative Arthritis treatment. She had been suffering from this complaint for the past year. Her small joint, wrist joint, and shoulder joints were affected by this condition. She had con.....Read more

Twenty-seven year old male, Mr S.S (Patient Identification Number -23810) visited our clinic on 13th Oct 2014. He was suffering from molluscum contagiosum on his mustache, left and right side of the cheeks and neck. The eruptions were gradually increasing since last four to five months. On detailed .....Read more
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Symptoms of Lichen Planus explained by Dr Rajesh Shah, MD

Dr Rajesh Shah, MD: Street shows against homeopathy, what do they mean?

Anxiety Neurosis

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