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Case Studies

A 26 years old gentleman Mr. L. J. S. (Patient Identification Number - 12940) visited our centre on 21st November 2009, for the complaints of Bronchitis. He had severe dry cough since last 2 – 3 months. The cough had started after he shifted from Pune to Mumbai. The cough was continuous, th.....Read more

A 34-years-old male, Mr. S.S (PIN 31733) came to Life Force Homeopathy with a complaint of migraine. He was suffering from migraine since 3-4 years. He was suffering from the discomfort of migraine daily, and his head used to pain the whole day. He suffered from a continuous pain so his sleep was.....Read more

A 50-years-old lady, Mrs. A.D. (PIN 33193) consulted at Life Force Paud branch in Pune for her lichen planus complaints on the 16th August 2017. From the past four months, she had developed hyperpigmented, scattered, & spherical spots on her shoulder, right eyelid, and her both legs and hands.....Read more

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Dr Rajesh Shah explaining role of homeopathy for Eczema treatment

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Cortisone is not the best treatment for Lichen planus explained by Dr Rajesh Shah, MD

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