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Case Studies

A 25-years-old male patient, Mr. P. Z. (PIN 28600) from Mumbai was under Life Force treatment from 1st March 2016, but in 13th July 2016, his thyroid reports were abnormal so he started treatment for underactive thyroid in Mulund branch. From the past four years, he was suffering from excessive h.....Read more

41-years-old Mr. V.K.S. (PIN 26485) from Navi Mumbai, India approached Life Force for the treatment of extensive psoriasis that he was suffering for six years. He suffered from extremely extensive lesions over the both of his legs, hands, trunk, back, and scalp. His lesions were red and inflamed .....Read more

A 10-year-old male patient, Master J.R. (PIN: 25795) approached Life Force Homeopathy online for his treatment on 27th May 2015. His mother was asked to fill a questionnaire and his treatment was started. The patient had complaints of vitiligo since April 2015. There was a small white .....Read more

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What is Role of Homeopathy in Cancer Treatment?

Lichen Planus


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