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Case Studies

A calm, melancholic 47 years old housewife found significant relief of Acid Peptic Disorder and Lumbar Spondylosis within 5 months of Dr. Shah’s treatment.

Mrs. T. K. B (Patient Identification Number - 16121) visited our clinic on 27th May 2011. She complained of continuous sour e.....Read more

A 67-year-old lady from Uttarakhand (PIN: 23572) enquired at Life Force on 14th September 2014 for the treatment of her complaints of right-sided Trigeminal neuralgia.

She was suffering from discomforting pain for 1 year. The stinging and throbbing pain was bothering her, and.....Read more

A twenty years old young girl Miss J.G.M. (Patient Identification Number 15302) visited Life Force on 7th Jan 2011 for the treatment of Psoriasis. She.....Read more

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Role of Homeopathy for Asthma in Children Explained by Dr. Shah

Anxiety Neurosis

Ulcerative Colitis

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