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Case Studies

This is the case of a 4-year-old boy, O.B. (L-9277) who reported to the clinic with white spots around the eyes for 9-10 months. He had undergone allopathic treatment, with temporary relief, after the stoppage of which the spots reappeared and spread moderately over the scalp, face, back, abdomen.....Read more

Six and half years old girl,(L-9520) presented with frequent attacks of Tonsillitis for last 5 years. She would develop colds and then severer tonsillitis accompanied with high grade fever. The pediatrician would examine her thought and diagnose it as septic tonsillitis on most occasions. Due to her.....Read more

Mrs P. J. (Patient Identification Number 24821), a 43-year-old lady, reported to Life Force on 13th February 2015. She had come for the complaints of fibroadenoma. In the year 2003 she had breast abscess in the left upper outer quadrant. Incision and drainage was done. Two small cysts were detect.....Read more

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Anxiety Neurosis

Can Severe, Infections like Malaria, Typhoid be Treated with Homeopathy?

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