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Case Studies

30-years-old an average looking female, Mrs. TSS (Patient Identification Number: 28453), who is a homemaker and mother of two children, visited the Life Force’s Borivali branch on 10th April 2016.

The young lady suffered from Urticaria (Hives) since three years. She used to develo.....Read more

An eight years old girl (Miss S.A. PIN number L-9103) reported to the clinic for the treatment of residual symptoms of Guillain-Barré syndrome. She had poor muscle power, difficulty in getting up, difficulty in writing, reduced mobility of fingers and hip joint. She complained of low energ.....Read more

Two year old Miss A.R (8294), presented with six hairless patches on the scalp, diagnosed as Alopecia Areata. It initially started when she was 3 months old but her hair regrew in a couple of weeks.

The texture of her hair was very soft, fragile and had a tendency to break easily. Her s.....Read more

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Role of Homeopathy in Frequent Colds Explained by Dr. Shah

Previous use of cortisone affecting your treatment, explained by Dr Rajesh Shah, MD

Treatment for Tumors like Neurofibromatosis, Lipomas & Skin Tags, Can Homeopathy Treat?

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