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Case Studies

Mrs N.P. (Patient Identification Number: 19395), a thirty five-year-old female, residing in U.S started her treatment at Life force for vitiligo on 20th July 2011. She had registered with us through our online portal. She had developed hypo-pigmented patches on her skin gradually over a period of.....Read more

Mr. J.R.A (PIN 14939) a 40 years old gentleman reported to Dr Shah from San Juan, Puerto Rico, for the treatment of Hailey Hailey disease.

When examined there was severe redness and burning sensation in the groins since last nine years. The burn.....Read more

Since last 2 years she started with severe excruciating pain in the left breast, the pain would even radiate to her back which almost occurred everyday associated with heaviness in the left breast. On examination there were no external lumps but on mammography showed .....Read more

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First visit to homeopathic doctor? What questions to expect, explains Dr Rajesh Shah, MD

Role of Homeopathy for Asthma in Children Explained by Dr. Shah

Can homeopathic and conventional (allopathic) medicines be taken together? Explains Dr Rajesh Shah

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