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Case Studies

A 4-year-old girl, Ms. R.D. (PIN: 35854) visited Life Force’s Chembur branch on 24th February 2018 for the treatment of her Vitiligo. She belonged to a small village (Nanded) in Maharashtra, and, after reading about Life Force on YouTube, her parents decided to approach us for treatment. Sh.....Read more

A 40-years-old lady, Mrs. C.D.S. (PIN 28281) visited Life Force, Mumbai on 20th March 2016 for her complaints of Relapsing Psoriasis.

She was suffering from relapsing psoriasis since 2009 that had relapsed in 2014 and was progressing rapidly day-by-day. Her whole body, including bilater.....Read more

An anxious mother from Singapore contacted the associate doctors of Dr. Shah online to seek help for the complaint of corns of her 7-years-old son Mast. A.P. (PIN: 25119). The child was complaining of a painful corn on his right foot from the last five months. He had four corns on his right great.....Read more

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Chronic Urticaria Treatment with Homeopathy Explains Dr Shah

Can homeopathic and conventional (allopathic) medicines be taken together? Explains Dr Rajesh Shah

Ankylosing Spondylitis

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