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Case Studies

Mrs. A.T. [ PIN Number L- 9504 ] aged 37 years, consulted Dr. Shah for her complaints of Trigeminal Neuralgia. She suffered from severe neuralgia which was specifically left sided.

She was suffering from the last 15 months. She had been on Tegretol 200 mg twice a day with good pain reli.....Read more

A male patient of 64 years, Mr. V. D. T, (PIN NO - 5264) visited our centre on 2nd February 2010 with the complaints of Lichen Planus. He had this complaint since past 1 month. There were few spots on hand , wrist , neck , abdomen , back and groin. He had severe itching in these lesions. He admit.....Read more

Mr. M. T (Patient Ref. No. 3893) a 29 years old male patient reported to us with complaints of hair loss since about 10 years. He would lose about 40 -80 hair daily and this had amounted to the development of male pattern baldness. His hairline was receding from both the temples. The texture of hair.....Read more
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Curious about the role of homeopathy in vitiligo treatment?

Role of Homeopathy in Underactive Thyroid Treatment Explained by Dr Shah

Chronic Urticaria Treatment with Homeopathy Explains Dr Shah

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