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Case Studies

Miss A. C. (Patient Identification Number 10157) visited the clinic with complaints of urticaria. She was suffering with the urticaria since six months.

She would suffer from the hives everyday and they would last for 3-4 hours each time. There would be rashes on her shoulders, arms, fa.....Read more

Mr. D. S. was a trader of machinery parts near New Delhi. His daughter was being treated by Dr. Shah for a skin ailment and recovering gradually. Mr. D. S. himself had few chronic episodes of cough which were not recovering with conventional medicines. He decided to try homeopathy and visited Lif.....Read more

A 56-year-old lady, Mrs. R.J.P. (PIN: 29241), who had been suffering from chronic psoriasis for 20 years, consulted at Life Force in 2016. Her psoriasis complaint had triggered in the last six to seven months. She was not taking any medicine for the same. In the past, she had taken Ayurvedic medi.....Read more

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Can Severe, Infections like Malaria, Typhoid be Treated with Homeopathy?


Sheikh Zayed International Award to Dr Rajesh Shah

Ulcerative Colitis

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