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Case Studies

A 47-years-old patient, Mr. B. M. (PIN 30386), who was residing in Gujarat, presented with the complaints of severe burning in the retrosternal & epigastric region, food regurgitation, sensation as if something is stuck behind the sternum, nausea, sour water brash, & eructations. He also .....Read more

A 10-year-old girl from Bangalore, Ms. V.S. (PIN: 20997) started homeopathic treatment from Life Force in December 2017 for her complaint of Atopic dermatitis. 

She was suffering from it for 1 year. She was experiencing small eruptions on her elbows and at the back of her knee join.....Read more

9.5-years-old young girl, Miss K.S. (Patient Identification Number - 10403) visited Life Force on 20th February 2008 with her parents for the treatment of vitiligo. She came from Sion. Her parents had shortly noticed some hypopigmented spots developing over her ear, near the nose, lowe.....Read more

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Homeopathy does not required Blood test, X-rays, CT scans, MRI

Homeopaths must have scientific mindset, suggests Dr Rajesh Shah,MD

Dr. Rajesh Shah's research on HIV | Life Force Homeopathy

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