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Case Studies

A male patient Mr. S.B.P. (PIN: 38220) visited Sassoon branch of Life Force on 11th October 2018 for getting his complaints of Floater's eye treated.

His Symptoms were:

He was experiencing symptoms, such as blackish and whitish haziness, and, sometimes, white an.....Read more

14 months old child, Master V. P., (Patient ref. no: L6619) was brought to the clinic by his parents for complaints of Childhood Asthma since 6 months. The child had started getting episodes of colds frequently tha.....Read more

A 72-year-old female, Mrs. S.D.G. (PIN: 37123) came to Life Force Homeopathy’s Pimpri branch for the treatment of her 6 years persistent Trigeminal Neuralgia affecting the right side of her face.

It is the most unbearable pain a human may experience. She used to experience shock-l.....Read more

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Anxiety Neurosis

Anxiety Neurosis

Homeopathy has not failed but some homeopaths have failed, says Dr Rajesh Shah

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