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Case Studies

A 38-years-old resident of Pune, Mr. P.R. (PIN 9902) sought treatment at Life Force on 10th January 2015 for his complaints of anxiety. A year ago he developed high blood pressure, panic attack, and anxiety neurosis. When he consulted, he was suffering from heaviness in head, palp.....Read more

Mr. V. M. S., 51 years aged gentleman (Patient Identification Number - 6142) visited our clinic on 2nd April, 2010. He had checked his Lipid profile a few days back and it had reported very high levels of triglycerides and cholesterol. His blood pressure and weight were within normal limits.

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Mr. A.K. (patient identification number 15033), a sales executive from Mumbai, India reported at Life Force Homeopathic clinic in October 2010. Since 2 months, he was suffering from severe intolerable itching on hands, legs and neck along with reddish eruptions. Whenever he used to scratch his bo.....Read more

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What is Role of Homeopathy in Cancer Treatment?

Dr Rajesh Shah explaining role of homeopathy for Eczema treatment

Homeopathy has not failed but some homeopaths have failed, says Dr Rajesh Shah

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