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Case Studies

Eight years, Miss S.S [PIN 16783], a chubby girl from Delhi was brought to Life Force for the treatment of her Vitiligo.

It was recent and around both eyes. It was spreading. The spots were still milky white, but becoming prominent day by day.

There was no family history of Vi.....Read more

A young girl Ms. P.S. (Patient Identification Number 16739) visited Life Force on 21st August 2011 for the complaint of Lichen Planus (LP). She was suffering from LP since last one year. There were active, purplish lesions of LP, almost all over the body. Itching was very severe. It would get agg.....Read more

A 70-year-old male patient, Mr. K.K.S. (PIN: 23400) came to Life Force for seeking treatment for hi Cervical Spondylitis and lumbar Spondylosis on 20th May 2015. He was suffering from the disease for almost 10 years. He was experiencing Vertigo, which used to last for seconds .....Read more

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Symptoms of Lichen Planus explained by Dr Rajesh Shah, MD

Curious about the role of homeopathy in vitiligo treatment?

Symptoms of Vitiligo: Mild, Moderate and Severe Vitiligo Symptoms by Dr Shah

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