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Case Studies

26 years old male Mr. B.K (patient identification number 16232) visited Life Force for the treatment of hair loss. He was suffering from hair loss since 4 years which was aggravated since last 6 months. Thinning of hair was more visible on parietal region of scalp. On examination it was found that .....Read more

A 40-year-old female patient, Mrs. P.N. (PIN: 26521) approached the Life Force online on 21st August 2015 with the complaint of trigeminal neuralgia (right-sided) which she was suffering from 19 years. She used to suffer from severe pain which was quite frequent. Her pain used to increase while b.....Read more

A 56-years-old ex-banker (PIN: 35606) visited Life Force Homeopathy, Santacruz clinic on 8th February 2018 to get treated for her Irritable Bowel Syndrome complaints (IBS). She was diagnosed as a case of IBS in 2012. Her episodes would start with nausea. She had altered stool pattern. Sometimes s.....Read more

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2nd May World asthma day...

Dr Rajesh Shah, MD: Homeopathy cannot be taught over week end schools!

Can homeopathy cure Cataract? No. Says, Dr Rajesh Shah, MD

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