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Case Studies

A 70 years old patient (Mr. J.K.V PIN Number L-6667) came for the complaints of tinnitus (noises in ears), psoriasis, cervical Spondylitis, diabetic neuropathy and vertigo.
He was well diagnosed and documented and had been under treatment from renowned specialists. He was ch.....Read more

Parents of a 2-years-old child (PIN: 9148) visited our clinic for the treatment of his constipation. He was suffering from severe constipation for the last 6 months. They had to use the.....Read more

A girl named Miss. A.K. (PIN: 37229) came to Life Force along with her parents on 28th June 2018 for the treatment of her complaint of Nephrotic Syndrome. She was suffering from this disease since 2016. The disease used to relapse once in 5-6 months and last for 2-4 days. The patient h.....Read more

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Results may vary from person to person

Homeopathy does not required Blood test, X-rays, CT scans, MRI

Combat Ankylosing spondylitis with Life Force's gentle

Anxiety Neurosis

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