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Case Studies

A 23-years-old man, Mr. V.V. (PIN: 7877), who was a young graduate but jobless, anxiously presented with alopecia, which had affected his beard, abdomen, and chest since two and a half years. He had six bald patches of alopeica areata of 2cm × 3 cm on his beard and 4-5 patches of 1 cm each .....Read more

A 34 years aged young female, Mrs. R.S.M, ( Patient Identification Number 23955) reported at Life Force on 25 October 2010. She was suffering from HIV.

She was suffering from weakness, recurrent loose motions, recurrent oral ulcers, fungal infections and weight loss. Her CD4 count was s.....Read more

He presented with suffering from psoriasis since 2 years. His nape of neck, hands and thighs were affected from psoriasis. He had macular eruptions with severe itching and dryness. His itching increased after bathing. Along with psoriasis, he also had recurrent respiratory complaints since 1.5 ye.....Read more

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Curious about the role of homeopathy in vitiligo treatment?

Lichen Planus

Treatment of Hypertension in Homeopathy explained by Dr Rajesh Shah, MD

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