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Case Studies

Mr. A.K.D (Patient Identification Number 10836) was suffering from Sinusitis since 15 years. He was taking nasivion nasal drops whenever he used to get acute episode of Sinusitis which would give him temporary relief. Then he visited Life Force on 24th June 2008 for the treatment of Sinusitis. He.....Read more

8 years old girl, Miss A. S. A (Reference Number L6736) was brought to the clinic by her parents for complaints of alopecia patches on the head since 1 year. She had developed extensive patches of loss of hair after the use of some shampoo which they doubted to be the cause. The alopecia patches .....Read more

A 12-years-old girl, Ms. H.J. (PIN 31767) consulted at Life Force on 2nd April 2017 with a complaint of a Migraine. The patient was suffering from this complaint for two years. She was suffering from the pain in the temporal area. She was experiencing the heaviness in her head. She had the feelin.....Read more

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Food and Diet Tips for Vitiligo Patients by Dr Rajesh Shah, MD Homeopathy

Symptoms of Vitiligo: Mild, Moderate and Severe Vitiligo Symptoms by Dr Shah


Sheikh Zayed International Award to Dr Rajesh Shah

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