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Case Studies

An 18 years old female, Miss E. S. (PIN NO - 11606) visited our centre for the treatment of Lichen Planus. She was having this since past 10 years, which had spread rapidly in the past 2 years. She also had many hypertrophic lesions on the ankles, legs, back, abdomen, hands. It had started to spr.....Read more

Mr. K.K.C (Patient Identification Number 12931) was suffering from recurrent Tonsilitis since last 4 months. He would get severe episode of Tonsilitis once in a month and each episode would last for 12-15 days. His complaints would start with throat pain and dryness of throat specially in the mor.....Read more

A 23-year-old female from Punjab, Ms. A.G. (PIN: 26161) started homeopathic treatment from Life Force in July 2015 for her complaint of Alopecia Areata. 

She was suffering from it for 2 years. One bald patch was present on her scalp. She was experiencing itching occasionally on her.....Read more

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Can Cancer be treated by homeopathy, without radiation, chemotherapy and surgery?

First visit to homeopathic doctor? What questions to expect, explains Dr Rajesh Shah, MD

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