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Case Studies

A 15-year-old girl, Miss M.B. (PIN:  32261) visited Life Force on 27th May 2017 for treating her complaint of Lichen Planus which she was suffering approximately from 1 year. During the case taking, she mentioned that her skin condition was progressing further. The history of heav.....Read more

A 50-year-old lady, Mrs. T.S. (PIN: 37355) visited Life Force in July 2018 with the complaint of Varicose ulcer.

She was suffering from varicose ulcer complaint since 2006. Her left leg (medial side) and right leg (Dorsal surface) were affected due to it. Varicose veins were present on .....Read more

The inflammation of the protective lining of the stomach is called gastritis. Depending on the onset of the disease symptoms, gastritis can be classified as acute gastritis (symptoms that occur suddenly) and chronic gastritis (symptoms that appear slowly over time).

A 29-.....Read more

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Dr Shah's video on Asthma

Lichen planus and cortisone, some thoughts by Dr Rajesh Shah, MD(Hom)

Role of Homeopathy in Frequent Colds Explained by Dr. Shah

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