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Case Studies

A 33-years-old male, Mr. B.C.I. (PIN 22796) visited Life Force on 17th May 2014 for the treatment of alopecia areata.

He presented with the complaints of alopecia areata which he was suffering since one month. There was one alopecia patch on the right side of his mustache since one mont.....Read more

A 5-years-old boy from the interior part of Maharashtra State in India, Master R.S.G. (PIN 11503) reported at Life Force with his parents and a paternal uncle in December 2008. He was suffering from Asthmatic Bronchitis for 1 year. His acute episodes would start with cold, running nose, dry cough.....Read more

This is the case of Mrs. R. M ( Pin no-12479) 44 yr old lady came to us with complaints of peripheral neuropathy. She was suffering for 3 years from numbness, tingling and burning sensation on both her soles. There was a pulling type of pain with tingling sensation in her legs. The numbness wa.....Read more
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Homeopathy is the youngest medical science, needs support, says Dr Rajesh Shah, MD

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