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Case Studies

This is a case of Mr. S. K. 41 (Patient Ref. No.: S-5269) year old male suffering with genital herpes. The herpes eruptions would worsen when he used to travel to hot countries. The consumption of spicy as well as non vegetarian food also would worsen his complaints. He also noticed that alcohol .....Read more

A 14 yr old young short statured, lean boy named Master G.V (Patient ref no.L-10697) reported to the clinic with his parents with complaints of ulcerative colitis since 2 ½ yrs. He had been diagnosed as having rectal proctitis through renal biopsy and sigmoidoscopy suggested ulcerative colitis.<.....Read more

A 68-year-old male patient, Mr. A.S. (PIN: 32662) came to Life Force and started treatment for his complaints of Trigeminal neuralgia in 2017.


He was suffering from Trigeminal neuralgia for the past 7 years and was dependent on medicines, such as gabapentin & carbam.....Read more

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Empathy and understanding are the keys to embracing uniqueness.


Sheikh Zayed International Award to Dr Rajesh Shah

Role of Homeopathy in Recurrent Tonsillitis Treatment in Children

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