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Case Studies

A patient Mr V.K. [PIN 15339] aged 26 years, visited Life Force center for the treatment of
Chyluria on 15 January 2011.

He was suffering from this disease since the last seven years.
The disease would relapse every one to two years, and would last for four to six months.<.....Read more

Mr. M. T (Patient Ref. No. 3893) a 29 years old male patient reported to us with complaints of hair loss since about 10 years. He would lose about 40 -80 hair daily and this had amounted to the development of male pattern baldness. His hairline was receding from both the temples. The texture of hair.....Read more

A young girl Miss CSV, aged 14 years reported to the center for the treatment of extensive and chronic Atopic Dermatitis.
She was suffering from severe atopic dermatitis since the age on 6 months. She had required several steroid creams and tablets in her childhood.

Later on the .....Read more

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Can homeopathy cure Cataract? No. Says, Dr Rajesh Shah, MD

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