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Case Studies

Six and half years old girl,(L-9520) presented with frequent attacks of Tonsillitis for last 5 years. She would develop colds and then severer tonsillitis accompanied with high grade fever. The pediatrician would examine her thought and diagnose it as septic tonsillitis on most occasions. Due to her.....Read more

A 10-year-old male patient, Mr. A.S. (PIN: 39548) came to Life Force with the complaints of Bronchitis on 19th February 2019. The patient was suffering from complaints of chronic bronchitis with a severe cough. He came to Life Force with the hope of recovery and to put an end to his chronic bronc.....Read more

Forty-one-year-old male, Mr. M.M.P. (Patient Identification No: 11119) visited Life Force on 1st September 2008 for the treatment of his chronic and long-standing Psoriasis of 23 years.

He presented with severe lesions on scalp, hands and legs. He also had mildly active psoriasis lesion.....Read more

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What is Role of Homeopathy in Cancer Treatment?

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Empathy and understanding are the keys to embracing uniqueness.

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