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Case Studies

An 8-year-old boy, Master P.S.J. (PIN: 41960) visited Life Force Homeopathy with his father for the treatment of his complaints of Psoriasis, which he was suffering from the last 3 years now. He was on oral steroidal tablets & local steroidal applications. This was suppressing his Psoriasis i.....Read more

A 65-years-old man, Mr. S. G. (PIN 29632) visited Life Force Clinic on 9th September 2016 with a complaint of Lichen Planus which was affecting both the legs and forearms. His lesions were extremely itchy that would bleed after scratching. The burning sensation and scaling were present at the aff.....Read more

52 years old Mr. S. R. P. T. (Patient identification number - 17865) visited our clinic on 21st of December 2012. He had been taking Dr. Shah’s treatment for Psoriasis since 6 months and had considerable relief. Recently he was diagnosed with gout. He had swelling in his left knee since 1 m.....Read more

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Dr Shah, MD throws a challenge, Homeopathy is evidence based medicine, it works;

Is homeopathic prescribing based only on the mind symptoms? Explains by Dr Rajesh Shah

Previous use of cortisone affecting your treatment, explained by Dr Rajesh Shah, MD

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