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Case Studies

A 39-year-old lady, Ms S. I., (Patient Identification Number: 16857) visited Life Force for the treatment of dry eyes and recurrent chalazion on 2nd September 2011. 

She had episodes of chalazion in the past and had got it operated twice in 1999 and April 2011. She had chalazion in.....Read more

A one-year-old baby, Baby. Z.S. from Dubai (PIN: 18734) was suffering from Atopic dermatitis since her age of 2 months. So, her parents opted for online homeopathic treatment under Dr. Shah in February 2011. She had severe erythematous eczematous patches on her back, cubital fossa, cheeks, hands,.....Read more

A 56 years old patient Mr A.K.S. (Patient Identification Number 13223) registered with Life Force for the treatment of residual symptoms of Guillain-Barré Syndrome (GBS) on 22nd January 2010.

He had poor muscle power in his hands. His fingers were stiff and he could not grip the .....Read more

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2nd May World asthma day...

Food and Diet Tips for Vitiligo Patients by Dr Rajesh Shah, MD Homeopathy

Role of Homeopathy in Underactive Thyroid Treatment Explained by Dr Shah
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