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Case Studies

A 64-years-old elderly lady, Mrs. R.K (PIN L-10938) was brought to Life Force by her son. She was a known case of asthmatic bronchitis for 35 yrs.

She was suffering from frequent cold and cough for many years. It was extremely distressing for her, particularly during the night when she .....Read more

This case study is of Mr. MS age 30 yrs (PIN number 13381 for reference) visited our clinic with complaints of warts.

He presented with warts which were like cauliflower like growths. On examination there were 10 warts in beard area amongst them 7 were large and 3 small. There was pain .....Read more

A 76-year-old male patient, Mr. N.K. (PIN: 32233) approached Life Force on 25th May 2017 for the treatment of his Eczema. He was suffering from this disease for almost 10 years. The patch was present on both his legs below the knees. Swelling and redness were present in the lesions. The skin.....Read more

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Symptoms of Lichen Planus explained by Dr Rajesh Shah, MD

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