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Case Studies

Mr. R. P, thirty-seven years of age (PIN no. 25778), visited Life Force on 23rd May 2015 Chembur Branch. The patient was suffering from multiple joint pains that were Polyarthralgia since one year. Both the knee joints, left elbow, the Ribs, ankle, heels, feet, neck etc would be very painful with.....Read more

This is a case of Miss A. M. (Patient Identification Number: 19995), a young girl aged 21 years who reported to the clinic on 2nd October 2012 with the complaints of multiple small Fibroadenomas in the right breast,. She also had pricking pain in bilateral breasts. The pain would increase ten day.....Read more

Mr. A.N., a 28 years old general manager in a private company, resident of Mumbai, India, reported at Life Force in June 2011. Presenting complaints were stress headache since 3 months. Promotion to the post of general manager, added extra professional stress in his routine and that triggered the co.....Read more
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Explaining Hair loss, Alopecia Areata and Male Pattern Baldness treatment, by Dr Rajesh Shah, MD

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Causes of Lichen Planus explained by Dr Rajesh Shah, MD

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