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Case Studies

A 35 years aged lady Mrs. P.C. (Patient Identification Number 12980) reported to the center on 30 November 2009. She was suffering from Hailey Hailey disease, a rare genetic condition. She has lesions on the neck, groin, folds of her elbows and chest. She had intolerable itching since last five year.....Read more

A 42-year-old female Homeopathic Doctor (PIN: 30747) visited Life Force clinic for the treatment of her complaints of trigeminal neuralgia in 2016. She was suffering from a dull aching pain on the right side of her face. Her pain was moderate by following conventional.....Read more

A 31 years old male patient, Mr N. S. (PIN : 37799) visited the Sasoon Branch of Life Force Homoeopathic clinic for the complaints of psoriasis on 25th of August, 2018.

The patient had been suffering from psoriasis since last 8 years. There were multiple patches over his scalp, forehead.....Read more

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Causes of Lichen Planus explained by Dr Rajesh Shah, MD

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