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Case Studies

This is the case of Mr. K. D. N (Patient Ref. No. S-2225) a 41 years old male patient who reported to the clinic with complaints of habitual constipation since 15 years. The stools were hard and required much straining. There would be sensation of incomplete evacuation after stools. Frequently he.....Read more

Mr. S.K.P. (PIN: 40682) consulted at Life Force’s Vashi center for the complaint of his migraine in July 2019. He was suffering from the migraine from 6 to 7 years. He had a severe headache. His headache was always unilateral, but the side was not fixed. The pain was continuous lasting from.....Read more

A 6.5-years-old child, Master E. F. (PIN: 30774) was brought to Life Force by his parents on December 2016 for treating his recurrent tonsillitis and enlarged adenoids which he was suffering from childhood. He came to us with the complaints of severe nasal blockage with a difficulty in breathing .....Read more

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Why do people favor homeopathy? Dr Rajesh Shah, MD throws light on it

Homeopathy is the youngest medical science, needs support, says Dr Rajesh Shah, MD

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