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Case Studies

Mrs. S.A.G (PIN 5633) reported to us for treatment after a long time, in the past she had suffered from migraine for which she was relieved. She had been freshly detected as having high blood pressure. She was also suffering from Anxiety and Depression. She was under a psychiatrist’s treatment .....Read more

This is a case of Master A.K.G, (L- 8329) an 8 year old boy who was suffering with recurrent tonsillitis. He had this ailment for the past 5 years. This problem used to recur at least 2-3 times a year and it used to last for 4-6 days. The previous traditional doctor under whose treatment the pati.....Read more

Mr. S.K.P. (PIN: 40682) consulted at Life Force’s Vashi center for the complaint of his migraine in July 2019. He was suffering from the migraine from 6 to 7 years. He had a severe headache. His headache was always unilateral, but the side was not fixed. The pain was continuous lasting from.....Read more

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Symptoms of Lichen Planus explained by Dr Rajesh Shah, MD

Food and Diet Tips for Vitiligo Patients by Dr Rajesh Shah, MD Homeopathy

Role of Homeopathy in Diabetes (Type 1 and 2) explained by Dr Rajesh Shah, MD

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