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Case Studies

A 26 years old gentleman Mr. L. J. S. (Patient Identification Number - 12940) visited our centre on 21st November 2009, for the complaints of Bronchitis. He had severe dry cough since last 2 – 3 months. The cough had started after he shifted from Pune to Mumbai. The cough was continuous, throughout .....Read more

Seven and half years old boy, Master J , Reference No. 11841, visited Life Force Homeopathy with inflamed chapped lips, diagnosed as cheilitis (due to intake of antibiotics) since four days. He had taken conventional medicine for some skin rash on fingers and chest. He also had complaint of recur.....Read more

Mr. S. B. C. (PIN: 17264) visited Life Force center on 16th October 2011. He was suffering from Seborrheic Dermatitis for the last 4 years, but it had aggravated from the last 2 years. It was controlled by the continuous usage of steroid-based creams for the past 2 years. When he visited us, he p.....Read more

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Food and Diet Tips for Vitiligo Patients by Dr Rajesh Shah, MD Homeopathy

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