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Case Studies

A 19-year-old female patient (PIN: 38397) visited the branch of Life Force on 10th January 2019 with a Migraine issue which she was suffering for a couple of years. She was suffering from recurrent attacks of severe pain in the right side of her forehead. The patient was experiencing s.....Read more

Mrs. A.B., 47 years old female (Patient Identification Number 2066) visited Life Force with the complaint of left heel pain. She was having this pain for the last ten to twelve months. She would get severe pain while waking up in the morning and after long standing. It would get worse in the cold.....Read more

Mr. K.K.C (Patient Identification Number 12931) was suffering from recurrent Tonsilitis for the last 4 months. He would get severe episodes of Tonsilitis once in a month and each episode would last for 12-15 days. His complaints would start with throat pain and dryness of throat, especially in th.....Read more

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