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Case Studies

Miss K. K. S. (Patient Identification Number - 18302) visited our centre on 18th February, 2012 with the complaints of hair fall. She had been in the developing phase of female pattern baldness. It had stared a year back. She had dandruff throughout the year. The hair had been thinning and loosi.....Read more

A 30-year-old female patient from Hyderabad, Mrs. I. F. (PIN: 44699) started treatment from Life Force Homeopathy online for her complaints of piles on 1st February 2021.  

The patient was suffering from piles since a year. It had started during her pregnancy.....Read more

9 years old child, baby T. V. V. (Patient ref. no.: S2629) was brought to the clinic by her parents for her recently diagnosed Hypothyroidism. She had been started on Thyroid supplements since the last 3 month.....Read more

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